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Two mothers’ chimneys

Old English saying for when something is either too difficult or too easy to do

“Is it a complicated route to get to there?”
“Oh no, it’s like two mothers’ chimneys, you can just get the underground direct.”


“Gosh, that tax return process was complicated!”
“I know, I did mine last month and it was like two mothers’ chimneys”.

by Befarnajo July 9, 2023

mother best friend

A friend who acts as your mother but not in a bad way, they protect you from things and make sure that you are always okay.

I will not date Nathan because he is a player, I know this from my mother best friend.

by Medium_biscuit February 2, 2016

One Bad Mother

when someone is simply a bad ass.

person 1: He's one bad mother!
person 2: Shut yo mouth!

by Nasty Fish October 16, 2012

4👍 5👎

the mother of many people

"the mother of many people" is when ur mom just can't deside what man she wants. So she fricks them all! But that isn't so great for u... Beacause turns out your enemy is ur sister!

"hey can i come to ur place?" "Sure, here's my mom's number give it to urs." "that's the same number as my mom!!!" "i guess are mother is the mother of many people :)" these lovers were actually cousin!!!

by kook._.e September 19, 2021

The Walk of mother's shame

Just like the walk of shame but when it's your mother

Deena had to do the walk of mother's shame or of her ex husband's room at his house with a hangover, to her ex's car so he could drive her to the bar to pick up her car, only to greet her own mother who was there visiting the children.

by Rennnn1121 November 1, 2020

Your Brother A Mother

Even worse than your sister a mister.

Dave:Your Sister A Mister.
Fred:NO, your Brother A Mother.
Dave:Dies in embarrassment.

by jsjdoejhfuheifheuigfyi March 14, 2018

Mother of All Omlettes

A term used by the iconic final boss of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Senator Steven Armstrong. He uses it to refer to his plan to get rid of the government and make an anarchic state where might makes right because he sees that as true freedom. It means, at it's core, that the ends justify the means, and this plan is too big, and world-changing for to worry about the collateral damage, or people who are in the way.

"Making the Mother of All Omlettes here Jack! Can't fret over every egg!"
-Senator Steven Armstrong to Raiden, about Operation Tecumseh

by OR56 January 2, 2023