Source Code

Atomic Mud Bomb

when taking a poo, you push really hard until there is an explosion of poo that is released from your anus that sprays poo debris and covers the entire inside of your toilet, causing you to scream in pain. also, when the poo hits the water it causes a giant wave to splash back up and drench your butt cheeks with water.

Cole: Oh boy, i just dropped an atomic mud bomb.
Cody: You are lucky to be alive, sir.

by block bros. May 20, 2011

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Mud Flaps

Front part of ballsac below the cack.

I was bangin my bitch in the ass, and shit got sprayed on my mud flaps.

by kdog June 27, 2003

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Houston Mud Shovel

A Houston Mud Shovel is when you poop in a girl's mouth and use your erect penis to scoop ("shovel") it back out.

"Susan was running her mouth, so I gave her the Houston Mud Shovel to shut her up."

by MUMB Drumline August 22, 2011

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hold her mud

Literally, to be able to undergo cold turkey narcotics withdrawal without the usual helpless uncontrollable diarrhea. Figuratively, to be tough, to undergo hardships without losing it.

"She was in that jail cell for three days going cold after her last shot of H, and never a peep. That broad can really hold her mud."
"She's going through an evil divorce and never once badmouthed her ex. She can really hold her mud."

by Bilberry March 12, 2008

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Tequila Mud Butt

A blended drink consisting of 1 pint of tequila, 1 can of refried beans, and a cup of orange juice. Must be consumed straight from the blender in full. Usually the outcome of a bet due to its unpleasant taste, and should be video taped for evidence later. Acronym is TMB.

Tony can't wait to drink that tequila mud butt.

by sackbagjr November 29, 2011

Mississippi Mud Cut

A sick ass mullet. Generally attained by combining a #4 buzz from the front to just behind the ears, with an 8 month long shag.

Look at that Mud Cut! I'm so jealous.

Holy shit!, that is the sickest mullet this side of the Mississippi.

Your Mississippi Mud Cut makes me so hot!

by clyde johnson January 21, 2009

Egyptian Mud Shower

Different to the standard Mud Shower, this is when a woman inserts milk into their anus and sprays it on one or more people at a distance. Etymology is from the historical reference of Cleopatra bathing in raw milk.

That party last night was awesome! Your sister gave me a massive Egyptian Mud Shower.

by JoeStentorian November 7, 2022