Source Code

his name is paul bunion

a song that is not good

his name is paul bunion sucks

by Houd October 20, 2016

Cla- (Insert Name Here)

The word "Classic" means a recognized example of something widely known. If a friend or person you know, does something that he has done before, then its a classic. To point out the classic example then say Cla- (Then the persons name). It shows the person that he has done this a number of times and it is widely known. It can also be used to show someone that what he/she has done a bunch of times is irking them.

Rule: If the name is shorter than 4 letters, then use the whole name when noted to insert. If the name is too long, then cut the name in half, and only put the second half of the name when told to insert.

Jeremy: Wow, such a "cleremy" moment right there!
Tal: Clatal!
If the name is Rangus, then take "Cla- (Insert Name Here)" and insert "ngus". This results in the word "Clangus", which is a widely know word.

by Steven Rangus Bangus May 28, 2013

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

boy toy named troy

he used to live in detroit

"boy toy named Troy used to live in Detroit" big dope dealer money, he was getting some coins."

by sajbai9 August 19, 2021

9πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

some bitch named stacy

Some girl that has the name β€œStacy” and is considered a β€œbitch”

Hey man have you seen some bitch named Stacy, I heard she’s a real bitch

by AstrosTV January 15, 2019

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Kicking Ass and Taking Names

The act of being unequivocally awesome. It generally involves showing people what's up, making people feel like morons for being wrong, and defeating terrorists. It is indeed an action worthy of the highest honor.

It refers to an older sayings "Kick ass first, take names later," or "Shoot first, ask questions later." Generally, it is frowned upon enacting such awesomeness without "asking questions" first. However, when used in this context, that much is forgiven.

Those Navy SEALS sure are good at kicking ass and taking names.

by UnequivocallyAwesome January 28, 2010

277πŸ‘ 175πŸ‘Ž

punk rock last name

a false last name of "punks". this started with johnny rotten and sid vicious of the sex pistols. young punks still use this today such as Mat Decay, Mike Virus, Tara Heroin, Shar Nightmare, Ashely Cunt and such.

check out Mat Decay and Tara Heroin they are so punk rock.

by your business April 8, 2004

49πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

Name Rank and Serial Number

Name Rank and Serial Number are the only things that a POW is supposed to give to his captors. This has lead to it being used to signify lying or being unresponsive to the questioning of authority figures.

Employee 1: I saw the boss grilling you in his office did you tell him I put the gay personal ad in the paper with his name and home phone?

Employee 2: Don't worry about it man, Name rank and serial number.

by burnthings March 9, 2010

30πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž