When somebody tries to pull a fast one on you
Hey Rand, instead of getting Mrs. Butterworth Thick n' Rich® I decided to save some money and get this new Great Value Brand™!
Well Nance you cant just shit in a waffle iron and call it breakfast.
Northern California Ravers who have stayed up all night high on whatever. As the sun is coming up, they create a shot glass with their hand, pour some liquor in, and snort the liquor and slap themselves in the eye/face.
It has no real purpose but it provides entertainment.
let’s do a Las Vegas breakfast!
Oh no…I don’t want to but I will of you are.
When you wake up someone by dragging your nutsack across their face (known as teabagging)
Had this bird around the other night, & gave her an English breakfast in the morning, woke her up quick smart!
When you wake up in the wee hours of the morning spark a cigarette, take a shit, piss & rub one out without cleaning either end, then hop back into bed with the Mrs.
Erica is disgusted I had an English Breakfast this morning
n. a mental state in which a person is so detached from the world they believe they are in a perpetual Thursday and constantly crave breakfast. Often a side-effect of psychedelics and or high frequency marijuana use.
I woke up, or thought I did, hungry as usual, scrounging around what appeared to be my home for something to eat. I wondered for a moment, where am I? Who am I? Why am I here? The only thing I was certain of it was time for a Thursday Breakfast.
Typically a group breakfast following a day, or days, of hard drinking with close friends with some folks being absent for various reasons including but not limited to: estranged lovers distracting them, working, sleeping, or being too cool for school.
Dude I’m so hungover, I can’t wait for our Peegles Breakfast so we can recover
hahah blue text i am the funni
- stella 🥱
missing season packet because you used to season your eggs and potatoes for breakfast