An argument when you grab the bitches wrist when she try to walk away from you
Me and my boyfriend just got into a wrist fight..fuck that nigga
the funniest shit to ever watch
girl fights : better than when boys fight
The fighting machine (also known as a "Martian Tripod") is one of the fictional machines used by the Martians in H. G. Wells' 1898 classic science fiction novel The War of the Worlds. In the novel, it is a fast-moving three-legged walker reported to be 100 feet (30 meters) tall with multiple, whip-like tentacles used for grasping, and two lethal weapons: the Heat-Ray and a gun-like tube used for discharging canisters of a poisonous chemical black smoke that kills everything. It is the primary machine the Martians use when they invade Earth, along with the handling machine, the flying machine, and the embankment machine.
"its another one of those fighting machine's!-" *gets turned into human ash"
When some sticks there finger/fingers in the pee hole
I had a Roman sword fight last night.
When two men with extremely long penises tie the two lengthy “snakes” together and proceed to watch porn. The first man to get hard and successfully break the other man’s penis is the winner.
e.g Holy shit man, last night I saw a Serbian Snake Fight and it was wild!
a very fun vr game in which you beat up everyone and they don't die....EVER!
hey, wanna beat me up in drunkn bar fight?
Light physical scrimmage with another without intent to cause pain or injury.
Upset, Bill nudged John which lead to a light hand-fighting match