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Chestnut Hill College

a school that is 99% likely to be smaller than your high school where people that aren't cool enough to make it in a big school go to try to make something of their pathetic lives. And dont be fooled by chc students insisting their school is a good time - they're just too sheltered to know the difference. chc also runs rampant with sluts.. but don't get your hopes up boys, they're all pretty busted.

Being cool at Chestnut Hill College is pretty much like being the smartest person with down syndrome.

by bitchess October 18, 2007

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the hills have eyes

usually a term used whenever someone is so ugly that they look like they are from the movie, "the hills have eyes".

oh my god that girl is so ugly she looks like she is from the hills have eyes (without a mask on)

by vagina226 March 28, 2009

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South Woodland Hills

One of the quieter, more peaceful, original villages of Kingwood, TX.

I moved to Kingwood and we found our own little castle in South Woodland Hills.

by Felcherfriend January 17, 2019

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Blossom hill elementary

This school is the best elementary school anyone could ever attend. it is so good. Ms. Vicky from rjf would be so jelly

Blossom hill elementary is so unique and great!!

by manheknows April 30, 2019

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beverly hills ninja

a naked man with one leg and a skate board and a tomahawk

the beverly hills ninja was a thot

by longdickens January 10, 2017

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Walnut Hills Highschool

Literally the shittiest school in ohio, everyone there is borderline retarded. They aren't divorce they just shift the test scores depending on your ethnicity. Half the kids are drugs addicts and come into class on bars and it isnt uncommon to walk in the bathroom on someone snorting coke off the dryers using their student is. Half the girls are named Skylar, have died hair, and will cheat on you and blame you for it.

Me: Yo did you hear about that kid who overdosed the other day at Walnut Hills Highschool?
Them: dude its walnut what did you expect from the top school in ohio?

by Heantaidickbeater May 3, 2020

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forest hills central

Forest hills central is one of the three forest hills schools location near Grand Rapids Michigan. Forest hills is the β€œgifted” school. All of the schools in the forest hills district are either β€œgated”, β€œghetto”, or β€œgifted”. Central obtains gifted because they are known to be the smartest of all three schools. Central parties, but also can focus on academics. It is a good school everyone should consider going to!

β€œYou go to forest hills central, you must be gifted”

by allison.njcv April 29, 2018

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