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bucket of noodles

The occurance of two men squirting into a pale and dumping the contents onto a plate of pasta.

So, I was really gonna go all out for my anniversary, but I decided just to go with Bucket of Noodles. She broke up with me.

by Jiminy Christmas January 11, 2008

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1.Someone who was pranked by being thrown at with water-balloons full of fudge.

2.A funny "replacement word" for a swear word.

1.Ha ha! I just pranked you! You're such a Fudge-Bucket!

2.Wow, he's such a Fudge-Bucket.

by MonsterSavion April 29, 2011

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Bucket of horse ass

When you get the bad end of a deal.

"damn dude I got a bucket of horse ass!"

by Panda King February 8, 2015

food bucket list

A list of food you want to try before you die.

Deep fried snickers are on my food bucket list. I want to try them before I die.

by sweetgal8869 March 27, 2015

sixteen horses in a bucket

A phrase that doesn't mean anything in particular.

Used by Tobuscus during some of his Lazy Vlogs when he is walking through a busy place in public and doesn't want people to know he is vlogging. Because he vlogs with his iPhone, he just puts it to his ear and pretends he is talking to his mom on the phone and uses the phrase.

In a similar way, while he was in college, he used the phrase Probably Monday.

Tobuscus during a Lazy Vlog:

"There are a lot of people here, shh, shhh... (Puts his phone to his ear) Hey mom? Yeah? How many? Sixteen! Sixteen horses in a bucket? Alright... alright, I got it! I got it, sixteen---in one bucket, okay."

by harvesterboy June 12, 2013

Fuck Bucket List

A list of people to fuck before you die. Comes from the term "kicked the bucket".

I need to add Dylan O'Brian to my fuck bucket list.

by AwesomeNameWriter100 April 10, 2015

bucket mouth hoe

a girl/woman any female who is talking mad spit and doesnt know when to shut up

ashley was on the phone with matt talking some mad spit. so i called her a bucket mouth hoe!

by malon January 31, 2008

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