Pulling an Uncle Sam is basically fucking over the people closest to you in an unlimited amount of ways. Stealing, Lying, Cheating, ect.
You sure were pulling an Uncle Sam the other day when you were banging your sister-in-law.
Cut off pant legs with elastic sewn into the tops, worn to give the illusion of someone wearing pants under a long coat, allowing them to flash others with less suspicion than spoeting bare legs.
We caught him wearing Uncle Herman pants and wagging his cock out of his coat
Josh: Wassup
Me: You look like my uncle
Fake Uncle Chris: Ok
1. The brother of one's stepgrandparent.
2. The stepbrother of one's grandparent.
My step-great-uncle is a good person.
Grandparent's male first cousin.
My great-cousin-uncle is a good person.
that one uncle who gets so drunk he either passes out, or tries to kill you by running you over, also hes usually a trump supporter
Person 1: dude ur uncle herbert just tried to run me over with his truck
person 2: yea he always does that, that trump supporter
It means that your 40 year old uncle comes into your room with a leather mask and a leather belt and says here’s your uncle
Me: oh I dropped the soap better go pick it up
My uncle : here’s your uncle