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keep my number low

Not wanting numerous sexual partners.

I'm not going to sleep with him. I'm trying to keep my number low.

by luvnlife January 11, 2017

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Low Tide Oyster Shack

The gender reversal of a blumpkin, where the girl is steaming down a hot load on the toilet while her front hole is being eaten out.

Dude, my girlfriend gave me a blumpkin earlier this week, so I felt it only chivalrous to reciprocate and give her a low tide oyster shack for the ages.

by Dig_Bick_69 August 23, 2018

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Low Key Hood Rat

A trashy chick that is on the D.L. 24/7. Hence, the term "low key". Many are opptimistic about her secret life and often engage in taking guesses about her dick taking abilities.

Alex: I bet she rides dick like Seabuistcuit

Cole: No way my brown friend! She's the pastor's daughter

Alex: Dude, gaurentee she's a low key hood rat.


by Bobbly Light December 11, 2010

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slick on my hang low

n. Oral sex performed on a male. See also "slick on my hang down."

I was gettin' a slick on my hang low...bitch took it down to da balls!

by JoshuaS November 30, 2005

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tides low, crabs are on the rocks

1) Associated with the verb of leave. For exaple, leaving. Used primarily when you and your firends are at a party and realize its crap. So you want to leave.

2) When are guys balls are itchy and he wishes to alert people to that fact before scratching.

1) guy a; "Man! who's party's this"
guy b; "dunno man, Its fucked"
guy c; "i think its some guy called dave"
camel toe
dave; "This parties crap"
guy a; "yeah, tides low crabs are on the rocks"

2) guy a; "Tides low, crabs are on the rocks"
guy b; "stop scratching your balls fuckhead"
girl a (skanky hoe); "i'll scratch your balls for you"
girl b (previoulsy skanky hoe); "he gave me crabs"

by Azerial October 7, 2005

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pussy got low miles

Women that had sex with less men, than you can count with one hand.

"The nigga fuck, she could count that shit on the hand,...... Her pussy got low miles" - Plies

by EinsteinJackson December 30, 2016

Ellie Low Mei Hun

Kindest wedding manager at four seasons hotels

Ellie low mei hun likes to eat dried cherry tomatoes

by Stamford ancestors November 24, 2021