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Chip Margie

1. A soft bun or bread spread (usually thickly) with margarine with hot chips and sauce inside.

2. A chip butty served with margarine instead of butter

Customer: Can I have a chip butty?

Clerk: We have no butter, is a chip margie ok?

by LemonySnickets June 13, 2022

Carter Chip

A chip so godly that it can't be explained.

An unstoppable chip often taken near the corner line of the box that has the keepers life and is gauranteed to go in if taken by the footballing legend Dylan Carter.

"Going to do a Carter Chip"- person 1
"Go for it, no one's stopping that"- person 2

by WildWillez June 20, 2022

Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

The towering mountain of cold yummy goodness that makes you feel better after a crappy day!

Being upset over your stupid boyfriend/girlfriend and wanting to drown your sorrows over chocolate chip ice cream.

by Heidi Cruz July 17, 2008

bbq chip

mmm chip
very much chip love chip s mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

give me the
bbq chip

by elliotlikesbbqchip June 13, 2021

Hot Chip

Someone with a hot chin and lips

Originated from Anti-Age Me in Sydney

Damn, she's a hot chip!
Can I please get the hot chips special?

by Anti-Age Me November 9, 2021

Home chip

Close friend. Your main man, even more than a homie.

Yo home chip you reckon we should go out tonight?

by majkav June 16, 2014

A Chip Of Fun

To add aome sugar to a boring situation and make it fun.

I was waiting for a meeting yesterday and while I was waiting I had to be in this room coleyeley separate from the rest of the office in a scary and abandoned office place. So I decided to put on a play for everyone else waiting too. We all had so much of a chip of fun!

by Justicewithtacosandweed August 10, 2018