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Crack Pack

A gay false imitation of abdominal muscles, usually caused by malnutrition or heavy drug use. Predominantly seen in crack addicts and trailer trash.

'That guy is so reem with his six pack'
'Bitch please, that's a crack pack.'

by PuuPuuPlater December 8, 2013

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Cracked crab

When people get caught in pictures with they legs spread all open and they ain't leaving nothing to the imagination

oh girl did you see the picture of ________ last night, girl! that was cracked crab!

by AlexZanderRoxas September 8, 2010

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butt crack

a crease between the thighs that emits gas and shit and sometimes a liquid substance which is quite uncomfortable

person 1: aww, i think some ass piss just came out my butt crack

person 2: man, that sucks

by Homophobic Fetal Tissue May 6, 2019

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what cracks

Whats up; whats happening; whats cooking.

What cracks tonight yo, gonna get a rusty trombone from da toofless hoe on the corner? Aight yo *does Saved by the Bell handshake*

by Scooter McFadden April 19, 2004

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Plummer's crack

Akin to a plumber's crack, but hairier, fatter, sweatier and in general, more disgusting.

"His plummer's crack made many people vomit."

by Smellybottom March 21, 2010

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Crack swirl

Term coined in Clermont, Florida. Refers to cocaine and at least one other powder drug (meth, acid, etc.) swirled together.

Person 1: Hey man, what are you doing tonight?

Person 2: Just some crack swirls.

Person 1: Bro why?
Person 2: Because there's nothing else to do in my town.

by clusterduck January 4, 2015

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Crack the egg

A game to play on a trampoline how to play: one person becomes the egg and curls up in the middle of the trampoline the the person/people try to make that person let go of there knees/not curl up by jumping when they do the egg has been cracked and someone else becomes the egg

Person 1:i played crack the egg yesterday
Person 2: what's that?
Person 1*:looks it up on UB*
Person 2:that sounds fun and dangerous!

by I don't even know why March 3, 2020

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