Source Code

straight cut

a shot developed by alex le at heartlake ss and can only be understood by those closest to him bazic boyz

hiro playing jimmy in jitz

mike: stonewall jimmy..
alex: shit..try a straight cut..

by great1 April 27, 2004

5๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

my cut

another name for house, someones crib, a home or where someone resides at.

Joey: You tryna kick it at my cut?
John: Fuck yah mang

by dahpicklez December 9, 2010

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camara cut

universal world for a mullet

what the fuck is that sheepfucker doing with to his 'camaro cut'.

by persian September 25, 2004

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cut a lick

To use special K prior to drinkking alcohol in order to increase the effects of alcohol.

I like to cut a lick before hitting up the bar.

by blah69 March 8, 2005

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cut up

Simalar to cut in, cut off. To drive in a manner that disrupts someone else, e.g to pull in to another lane of a road and force someone already in that lane to brake harshly to avoid a crash.

I was cut up AGAIN by audi man on the M1 last sunday.

by oracle February 1, 2005

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cut left

Cut left- something stupid ppl say to make u mad

Cut left u stupid whore

by i_slayin_goals August 16, 2016

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Layin a cut

Act of doing anything. Working, having sex, laying carpet, cleaning, etc.

"I just got done layin a cut" I sure layed a cut on her last night" "Did you lay a serious cut"

by 1cutlayer January 25, 2011

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