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Progressive Ghost

A more respectful way of phasing a friend with benefits out when a full on Ghosting seems too harsh

I am going to have to phase him out but it'll have to be a progressive ghost.

by Lmc86 December 30, 2019

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Account ghost

When you give someone (you trust) your password and they start messing around with it as if it is theirs and reply to your e-mails/PMs usually stating that they're your account ghost.

Lily's friend: Hey, wussup?

Lily: Nothing, I went to the Green Day concert. Then I got an awesome shirt from the concert.

Lily's Friend: Really?! Awesome!

'Account ghost': Lily is not here at the moment so her account ghost shall be filling in for her. :B

Lily's Friend: WTF?! o.0

by Lily from gaia September 3, 2005

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ghost profile

Faceless profiles run by anonymous people. CATFISH PROFILES

All those ghost profiles on twitter & fb with fake or no profile pic!

by Erycacane September 19, 2013

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gangster ghost

Someone who thinks he is tough like a gangster but is actually as insubstantial as a ghost. Someone who tries to appear bold but is actually frightened by many mundane things.

That gangster ghost said he would fight but then ran away in tears.

by CisgenderGirl October 28, 2020

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Ghost Relationship

A relationship that is over, but is not completely dead. It haunts you.

Are you and that dood going out?

No,we're in a ghost relationship though.

by glubglubglubyep December 27, 2011

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White Ghost

When playing video games you would yell this at the team that beats you. White Ghosting is a made up term to confuse the opponents into thinking they did something illegal.

"You only beat us because you were white ghosting."

"I would of won too if I white Ghosted."

by Like 13 Pirates January 20, 2009

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Ghost Buster

coming from bay area, california, ghost buster means cop, police, 5-0, authorities, etc. More-so used with people who are ghost riding their car because a cop will try to bust someone who is ghost riding the whip.

"aye cuzz chill, im on probation, i aint tryna get caught up with those ghost busters over there"

by y0un6_mij0 August 4, 2006

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