A game similar to beer pong. Rice pong is a game that involves rice, red solo cups and ping pong balls. Players attempt to throw a ping pong ball across a table to their opponents half filled cups of rice. Players are required to drink or eat the rice from any of their cups into which the opponent throws a ball. The loser will have to eat the remaining rice. Commonly played by Asians at Asian family gatherings. Rice ping typically does not get you drunk like beer pong does.
Exactly like beer pong but with rice.
Asian #1: Do you want to plan some beer pong?
Asian #2: No I don't drink. What about rice pong?
Asian #1: Rice pong. Heck yeah I'll kick your butt!
Little bits of poop on the rim of the anus
Everyone loves a little rice on the rim when they're eating ass.
A racial term for any asian ever made since the beginning of time. This includes the nerdy kind, the kind that like kung fu, the musically inclined, the gangster type of even the ones that are just kinda there.
LOOK! A rice hound in the fields!
Term for a person with a chad level smile and play harvest moon
“Bro ryland is such a rice lint”
Toilet paper that has become stuck between your ass after wiping and, over time, broken down and rolled up into little rice like particles that can be picked out and eaten.
Male 1: We got lost on our camping trip, and at one point we had to survive off of our own paper rice!
Male 2: Damn, at least you got to ration something that tasted good...
Male 1: I was stockpiling that for months!