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Block Delete Kill

When you are so fiercely aggravated by invites to stupid fucking groups or profiles, you want to follow the simple pattern of blocking someone so you receive no more invites, deleting them so you never have to see them online again and finally, killing them so they cease to burden you with their dirty existence any longer.

Can also relate to spammers on messaging clients.


Kel: Damnit man, that cunt is spamming me with stupid Facebook group links!
Tom: BDK her NOW!
Kel: BDK?
Tom: Block Delete Kill.


Idiot Girl: hi hw r u mi bowser bar is liek VANISHED OMG wher did it go can u find it 4 me pls x x

by MisterMushroom March 1, 2010

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rampant team killing

A phrase first used in Red vs Blue. Originally synonymous to team killing, now used to describe sexual activity perpetrated by college upperclassmen upon inexperienced freshmen. Often referenced as if it were audible.

A: Dude, see that girl with the Bio 101 book? I hooked up with her last weekend.
B: Excuse me, but I can't hear you over your rampant team killing.

by SabineLaGrande January 3, 2005

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Rigby Road Kill

Noun. A person, normally male, who has dated a Rigby and been passed over rapidly for the next victim. Often the victim is lulled into a false sense of security and stricken into submission by the sheer beauty of the Rigby, like a hypnotic deer in bright warm glow of the headlights of a big Rig. Then smack, it's all over. Also know as "RRK".

See that guy over there... He's Rigby Road Kill.

by RRK#6 February 3, 2012

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(The insect)

kill all MOTHS!

by I don't exist. May 25, 2023

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i'll kill a bitch

When your so angry at someone that you just want to hurt someone.

My friend told me someone wanted to hurt me so I said I'll kill a bitch.

by sami26 May 21, 2010

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kill your buddy

A version of dodgeball in which all the players stand inside the boundaries of a basketball court and attempt to hit other people with balls. There are no teams. If you get hit three times, you go outside the out-of-bounds line and can pick up balls that roll towards you and peg the people still in play. Last person left inside the court wins.

This isn't your ordinary game of dodgeball -- this is kill your buddy.

by ethan February 2, 2004

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Killing Your Number

Exiting the system. If an inmate has finished their full sentence while in prison, and will have no community supervision in the form of parole, he is said to have β€œkilled his number”.

"When did you finish killing your number?" the policeman asked the convicted felon.

by CynthiaAnne January 30, 2018

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