To power-wash is the act of ejaculating a gratuitous load of semen all over a recipient's body, starting with the face and working downward all the way to the feet, purifying them of their uncleanly ways and asserting dominance.
I worked that pussy hard and power-washed that bitch clean. She was drowning in jizz.
Power Anxiety is the feeling when a device you're using gives a low battery warning or the battery symbol is red.
The feeling that you may not have enough power to complete your current task.
I got a bit of power anxiety yesterday when I couldn't find a socket and I was working on my presentation.
A short period of rest where body lowers brain function and oxygen intake while not fully asleep in order to pass time.
The train ride triggers power-hibernation.
The title awarded to only the most fierce, and consistent attacker in Clash Of Clans. To hold the name Roman Power it is said that you must be able to 3 star any base, despite a significant town hall advantage.
Did you see that guy's attack? Had to be Roman Power to pull that off!
A dildo used to penatrate mens assholes
Dang i could use a power rod right now
A secret, elite, tactical, all hazards response unit within a fire department. Similar to delta or seal team6.
Known to have an extreme selection and vetting process for new members.
We are gonna burn this bitch down if we don’t call the Power Team!
A sense or feeling of utter streangth that derives from the soul of the ogre inside of you.
I have ogre power!!!!!
Jerry has so much ogre power he could smash 10 men.