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Urban dissin'ary

This is the subset of Urban dictionary, where definers use definitions to vent their spite for a certain group of people, whether or not the word being defined is actually relevant. Definers will either make up a word (like I just did) or worse, piggyback on another word, and then begin spewing their hateful commentary. In my opinion, rather than polluting the definition, these people should just start a blog and say "I can't stand people who dress like X and come from Y and think of themselves as Z" and follow it up with some more penetrative commentary.

Often someone will express their distaste for something by attempting to coin a derogatory term for people who like that thing. Rather than simply state that they think that Edgar Meyer is a pedestrian musician, they try to characterize someone who would listen to Edgar Meyer as an ignorant philistine.

The definition you are reading may seem like an example, but it has the following important distinction: it describes the action that people that annoy me do. I am not implicitly asserting that other characterists correlate to committing such an action. I am not saying that people who do this wear Calvin Klein jeans, listen to Benny Goodman, come from a certain rural regions east of Duvall WA, or drive a metallic green Japanese hybrid vehicle.

OK, this does belong in the Urban dissin'ary.

by FineHall December 14, 2009

Urban Dictanary

Urban dictanary is whritten by you

Use ur eyes to find Urban dictanary on the side or top of urban dictanary

by Ghorty Guy May 20, 2022

Urban Fictionary

When Urban Dictionary makes up a word to promote Left-Wing propaganda and their liberal agenda. Generally, these are aimed at the "Orange Man Bad" movement, and they will exclude any mention of how the word could also apply to a leftist politician

Cool story, UD just posted another piece of Urban Fictionary about how Orange Man Bad. It will be trending on Google next so they can join the cause of preventing the next Trump Situation and usurping the will of the people and the Constitution.

by marinalw2107 June 26, 2019

Urban abuser

Someone who puts their full name on urban dictionary as an entry with tags such as: cool, funny, stud, pretty etc.

Me: wow why is this fuckhead being an urban abuser


by Swagmaster9000 October 21, 2013

urban dictophobe

A person, generally between 5 and 15, who bars themselves of using the Urban Dictionary, as they keep their brains clean of the dirtiness of some definitions.

Dude, I just play club penguin and watch Spongebob. I am an urban dictophobe and I won't even search my name...

by Dukeoflemonade August 23, 2017

Urban Archeologist

Finding and keeping for your own, items and objects in an urban or sub urban setting, such as a grocery store, swap meet, or shopping mall.

Alan isn't a thief he's an urban archeologist.

by Dick R. Johnson April 28, 2010

urban dictbate

When a definition posted on urban dictionary tackles a serious issue, and gives it a legitimate definition, thereby taking it too seriously. People post counterdefinitons, thinking the first guy was wrong or whatever, and also take things too seriously for a f*CKING FREE ONLINE SLANG DICTIONARY. The cycle perpetuates, creating a debate among definitions.

Dude: I dont think zionism is right. I'm gonna mess with those jews and post a REAL definition of Zionism on UD.
*posts definition*

Zionist/Jewish Reader: Yo! This dude posted a definition for zionism thats totally anti-semitic! I'll show him and post a REAL definition of zionism!

And this goes on and on, creating an urban dictbate

by voiceofsanity'sinsaneinsanity May 11, 2011