When 2 guys go hangout with 2 girls with the intent to fuck.
Hey cayden did u wanna run a 2 man later tonight?
When you and the homie do something together i.e double dates, robberies, etc.
Bro you tryna run a 2 man on theses besties
When playing tic-tac-toe/naughts and crosses if you or the opponent has a move where they can win from more than one position it is called a two man touch
“I got you in a two man touch as I can win horizontally and vertically right now”
A trooper who says lol bus gay a lot and is awesome
Wow that Kyle Man is such a sexy trooper
that gotta be rari he is the hottest man alive
Rari: i am not hot at all
Me: omfg i swear ur the hottest man alive
Me: Drew Starkey is so hot!!
Bestie: I know right! He is definitely the hottest man alive
Tic- Man are a series of three robots created by Orson to impersonate the design of Pac-Man. While the first Toc-Man is the main antagonist of Pac-Man World, the others play the role of an ally or competitor in later games.
Bob: In PAC-Man world There is a Boss called
Other guy: ok 😐
Bob: Toc-Man
Other gay: Toc-Man