When you had a long sesh the night before
Tom was seshed out because of the sesh last night
Refers to the science of Vril, but not in the esoteric context, but rather in a "magically incomprehensible" one.
Whenever something is so unbelievable or amazing, that you need to use this word.
O: "In Manifest, they don't mention Islam at all."
S: "That's because it's not vrilled out one single bit."
An orgy outside in the snow.
Originated in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Hey, you hosers wanna have a Winnipeg White Out eh?
A fruit loop freak out is a category 5 freak out by a person who ia mentally unstable. Typically, a fruit-loop freak-out involves screaming, crying, threatening, and periodically stopping to screech "WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY FRUIT LOOPS?!?"
We all love fruit loops, but not so much as a fruit-loop freaker
He destroyed the house in a Fruit-Loop Freak-Out
When someone or something is so big that it pokes out of your pants.
Dayuuuummmm shordy ass was bussin’ out the jeans!
Something you say when your shit is out
dude 1: alright so you want to impress that girl from your school ?
dude 2 yes don't worry my shit is out, she's gonna be impressed and will date me!