Contrary to what any bleeding heart liberal will tell you, a great president. A man who has locked up dozens of internationally wanted terorists. One who has crushed liberal opposition. One who has one elections FAIRLY. One who takes responsibility for his actions. One who represents a savior for anyone who was sick of the bill clinton era. The man everyone in this country should be behind 100%. No matter what your political beliefs are, you are to stand behind the commander and chief, and stop bitching. This country is a diamond in a pile of shit, so stop whining and get behind him.
"Oh, George Bush, the guy who got Saddam."
43๐ 215๐
i love you, george.
a man with the ideals of reagan and the heart of a texan, our president was reelected by the vast majority of the united states for a reason: he is competent, capable and compassionate.
he is a conservative who values tolerance but not compromise.
ladies and gentleman, our george w. bush.
44๐ 222๐
grandpa? ? ? ?
that guy drooling on himself is my grandpa!
22๐ 101๐
One of the greatest leaders the United States has seen since Ronald Reagan. Defended America during one of Her most vulnerable times, and successfully led an American-led assualt against terrorists worldwide. Born-again Christian man whom America was and still is continually proud of.
George W. Bush...a legend in time
38๐ 191๐
A member of group of crazy people who act like a dog. K-9's or dogs tend to have unite personality's within each bread of dog.Members enjoy such a time just lounging around in any form of weather. And they say that cat's have 9 lives, Well dogs, tend to hold on to there lives in waiting for just the right time to pounce on that bone you will soon send their way. Other members of the group then to be go getters. Like a beagle who will bark at a rabbit for what seems like hours , letting the rabbit know that he is right on it's heals all the way.
Basically if you refer to someone as a dog, comically;
... Kind of like my ole blue tick hound I like to lay around in the shade And ... A If you don't like the way I'm living You just leave this long haired ... Country boy alone ...
If your a group w dogz, you describe someone as being:
Group w dogz are fun and acting foggy as a dog.
Boy he is working like a dog, Group w dogz make time for leisure.
Shes enjoying the dogz days of summer, sunning herself on the group w bench.
Origins from a popular folk songs by Arlo Guthrie called Alice's Restaurant and Charlie Daniels, Long Haired Country Boy! And is all in fun.
That guy belongs on the Group W Bench.
2๐ 5๐
1. Proof that at least a little more than half of America have brains.
2. The noble 43rd president of the United States who has stood up against the evil things that liberals in this country have put into action (abortion, homosexual marriage etc.). The president who is finishing the war in Iraq that Clinton (aka President Idiot) instigated back in his two sad terms in office.
If you think President Bush is stupid, you are no more than a brainless turd who can't think for themselves; exactly what the mainstream media has trained you to be. Anyone who graduated from Yale (even if he only got C's) cannot possibly be an idiot. Come on, let me see a show of hands, who here has even qualified to enter Yale, let alone graduate?!!! That's what I thought.
43๐ 220๐