Aaron Brooker is a very nice guy. He tries to make people smile and laugh all the time. He is one of those people that is good to have around. Aaron is also the luckiest man alive and you may ask why or how. Aaron is the luckiest guy in the world because he got the best girl in the whole world. But to be honest. Aaron is a well hung, very handsome as his girl would say, decent at Fortnite, funny, kind, caring, and even decent smelling person.
Aaron Brooker has a giant cock.
Aaron and Hannah are the cutest couple you will ever meet. They are funny, lovable, social and are both cute people.
Girl- "Hey looks there is Aaron and Hannah!"
Boy- "They are such a cute couple!!"
Girl-" I know right!"
Boy- "I wish I had a relationship that cool"
A child who uses fat to crush his opponents
Aaron Newman crushes Jake’s chair due to his weight
When you think you are funny but you are not, and someone slaps the daylight out of you to remind you of that.
"You can suck a dick...hahahahahaha"
"and you can get Aaroned"
Ordinary church faggot. Not afraid to prove that smaller hands make your dick feel bigger.
Aaron H is not afraid to drive in the left lane to visit your church or daycare. The “hole” way there.