Source Code

American Dream, The

All the mexicans swimming back across the border with an arab under each arm!

by Dick Hertz October 31, 2003

55๐Ÿ‘ 80๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Dragon

Making a girl eat blueberries before performing a red dragon.

After Fourth of July sex, I waited for the Red, White, and Blue fluid to come out of her nose--I then shouted "AMERICAN DRAGON!!!"

by MrMachoFuerte May 20, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Patriot

An uneducated and ignorant american who thinks his/her country is the best in the world while not knowing anything about any other country.

Those damn american patriots! They wonder why most of the world hates them?

by CurvedMirror October 24, 2008

71๐Ÿ‘ 105๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Eagle

A good clothing store that mainly middle and high school kids in the suburbs wear. Some wear it to fit in with the crowd, and others wear cause they like it. It isn't a prep store some preps just happen to shop there. I happen to shop there and I'm not a prep and I like it.

American Eagle is big in my middle school.

by None of ur buisness December 31, 2008

17๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

The American Eagle

When a girl passes out drunk, and you shave off all the hair on her head (this may be tougher on girls with facial hair) and jizz all over her bald head, Like a bald eagle, Madjestic in every way.

Me and Larry gave a girl The American eagle at D-mans party and ruined her life! It took her months to grow all that hair back!

by Philopean September 11, 2006

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True American

The True American is a sex position where you sing the national anthem while AMERICA FUCK YEAH plays in the background while you tie your significant other to a tree face first then anally ram them while yelling out I HAVE CLAIMED THIS LAND. Then while you're pounding your lovers asshole bring out your trusty gun that's strapped to other guns cause we voted for Trump and give a true salute.

Dude I had a fucking amazing time last night. I became a True American.

by @YABOIMILK October 10, 2018

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ugly american

Any boisterous, rude, and ethnocentric American who criticizes everything that he unilaterally perceives to differ from his American standard. This creature doesn't understand or value diplomacy and won't recognize the cumulative damage to his country through his actions.

Burning bridges and building walls are habits of the Ugly American.

by Mr. Surly February 2, 2017

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