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Abstract Art

An absofreakinlutely waste of colors by people fantasizing about being ARFISTS but not having the talents to.

- I'm jobless.
+ Be an abstract arfist

Abstract Art

by KurdishMan July 21, 2020

Arts and crafts

Put googly eyes on any hole in the body(ass,pussy,bellybutton,ears,etc) and fuck it pretending its head

I got excited when my girlfriend finally agreed to do it arts and crafts style

by Ivan(likes it arts and crafts) February 28, 2024

Art dealer

Dealer with no coustmers :(

Example: Art dealer

by ;27; August 3, 2022

Art dealer

dealer with no coustemers

An example: Art dealer

by ;27; July 29, 2022

Art Fuel

When an artist suddenly has a great art-piphany this is the name of the food (more commonly junk food) that they eat to fuel the great art that they will soon eat

Friend: " dude stop eating all those twinkies"
Artist: "no bro you dont understand, i need art fuel"

by loopzoop August 21, 2013

classical art

old art

That classical art is like thanos

by Dabmastahitler April 30, 2019

non-feminist art major

That one girl that nobody knew and thought was weird. You started talking to her, she has a full understanding of sarcastic comedy, sorta cute, good fashion sense, but lazy. You were friends with her for too long so she doesn't take any advances seriously, even though she's never had a boyfriend.

Damn, I wish I was with that non-feminist art major right now, we'd be laughing and drinking a nice glass of white wine while discussing what would happen if an aborted fetus were put into a blender.

by JigglyPuffinYourMom July 19, 2015