girls who wear fake ratty hair extension and dont give a flying fuck what they look like, have no respect for anyone or anything. especially no respect for themselves,
safety bay chicks
A saying a black man uses to describe a very beautiful white women with red hair that he wants to go balls deep in.
This girl I know is chick parm
on August 9th, go and buy your girlfriend her favorite order from Chick-Fil-A!
Hey Bobby, did you get Casie food for Get Your Girlfriend Chick-Fil-A Day??
An original chick flick is a movie that really is stereotypical to the sub-genre called "chick flicks." A movie that is so much a chick flick that it ceases to be just a chick flick and instead becomes a new and improved type of chick flick: "Original Chick Flick."
A: So what kinds of movies do you like?
B: I like pretty much everything. I do have to admit, though, that I have a special soft spot for chick flicks. Like, "Definitely Maybe," have you seen that one?
A: Man, that's not a chick flick. It's an Original Chick Flick.
Chicks r' us is a special young man who likes to drive a nissan quest with a ridiculous amount of electrical problems. He is usually found working at an arcade or at his house playing fifa. He is known for posting anonymous messages on his story and having the most school spirit.
chicks r' us:) has so much school spirit.
A national gay day gathering at Chick-fil-A in the United States of America.
This gathering takes place on May.23rd each year to celebrate the founding day of this beloved chicken franchise.
On this day, humans identifying as apart of the peaceful and loving LGBTQI+ community gather to celebrate a love of good food and the hospitality industry’s equality of fast food service to all Chick-Fil-A lovers alike.
“Hey girl, let’s car pool to Chick-gay-yay-day. The drive thru will be real long with everyone showing up to celebrate.”
“Chick-gay-yay-day is a great way to convey to the owners and workers at all Chick-fil-A’s the gays show love even though they show the gays hate!”
“Did you get this years Chick-gay-yay-day
t-shirt online? I heard MK is designing it.”
A long line that moves quickly
" Though I was at Disney they had Chick fil-a lines that day."