Source Code

gaper day

The day (usually April Fool's Day or thereabouts) when all the mountain employees and locals who don't have to work dress up in absurd tourist outfits and imitate all the dumb gaper shit we have to deal with the rest of the year. Usually involves lots of neon clothing, ridiculous stunts, and massive amounts of alcohol.

"It's gaper day! I'm going to wear my dad's 80's onesy."

"I'm going with a camo hunting jacket and jeans and doing the Texas Tuck all day on the greens."

by npadd January 21, 2010

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valentines day

a commercial holiday made up by women who couldn't deal with the fact that there's no holiday between christmas and easter.

valentines day made the entire population of non-commercial people feel like shit.

by katy February 14, 2004

103๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž

father's day

The most confusing day in Harlem

Jamal: Happy Father's day! time for me to pick my daddy out of the hat again! Last year it was Lamar, my principal!

by PoopieNigga September 27, 2003

92๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

Lady Day

leyyy-dee-deyyyy Think Mary Poppins

The name given to a day when a man chooses spend all of or a significant part of the day with a group of girls/women instead of hanging out with his bros. The name Lady Day should only apply to those cases when the male actively seeks out said ladys and explicitly does not apply to cases in which sex is involved(e.g. man has stayed over and gets caught in the morning, man is actively pursuing sexual relations with one or more of the ladys)

Bro 1: Hey where did your roommate go? I thought we were going to the game.
Bro 2: I saw him next door having coffee and scones with a bunch of girls
Bro 1: Ohh, he must be having one of his Lady Days

by stumbleinn11 July 6, 2011

29๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

patriot day

Patriot Day is the day when a group of individuals spend the entire day (anywhere from 11 am to 11:30 pm) at the Patriot Cinemas in East Providence, RI. Because the theater shows second run movies one can spend the entire day watching movies for less than $10.

"The government authorized Patriot Day is tomorrow! Let's plan our Patriot Day on the actual Patriot Day!"

by Ben Jam'in' April 18, 2007

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Erection Day

A special holiday in which males compete in a competition to see who has the best erection. Simple by balancing a ball on their penis, urinating, and masturbating. Clothes are not permitted on this holiday.

Jamie hosted an annual Erection Day contest to see which penis has the best erection! All because of her bare midriff

by VBruno November 12, 2013

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Joey Day

A really awesome day where world-wide, everyone called Joey is celebrated just for being the complete awesome people that they are. A Joey is usually incredibly good looking, hilariously funny and the type of person who everyone loves. Joey Day is celebrated on the 30th of January every year.

Joey Day is the best ever!

by BobbieSmellsLikeDung March 7, 2011

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