the sweetest and cutest boy there is. Damn you would be lucky to have this amazing gift from God. They are usually soft hearted, but thats not always a bad thing. Their pure spirits are constantly looking for ways to please you, and will go to the ends of the earth to make it happen. Though dont mess with daniels too much, they may snap at a breaking point without really realizing it. You just have to know that with everything they do, Daniels will love you like you have never been loved before. I love you baby -KayKay
If your man aint treatin you right, just find a Daniel Ruddy and i promise things will get better
Daniel and Savannah are the perfect couple and they reach couple goals.every one strives to be snap streak stars like this amazing couple 😏
Omg it’s Daniel and Savannah omg I wish I was them!
Oh look its Danielle Cameron
No it a fucking piece of shit
Uhm heyyyy it’s Morgan I was gonna tell u to look this up so yea 😂
Someone that is named Daniel that Morgan knows so she says Heyyy Daniel
Daniel Sanchez is the funniest and sweetest guy you’ll ever meet. He always lights up a room and cares for all his friends. He’s not afraid to stand up to anyone and fears nothing (except maybe spiders). He’s super good looking and all the ladies simp over him. You’re really lucky if you have a Daniel Sanchez, hold on to him and never let go
Daniel Sanchez is awesome
A Danielle Goltz is a beautiful, smart and wonderful person who can overthink situations but will still achieve a reasonable response to any situation. A Danielle Goltz is someone who has a lot of friends, but is selective in those that she loves and trusts enough to share herself with. If you are lucky enough to have be one of those people then you already know how amazing a Danielle Goltz can be
- that girl last night you took home seemed ok
when i got her talking i found out she is a real Danielle Goltz
All you could ever want in a person although she a girl she more of a man then most actual man and a good influence for kids
A do you think that she could be a Della DANIELe