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Urban dictionary


The urban dictionary is a form of cancer

by AUG u wot m8 July 9, 2019

Urban Dictionary

A website that is every english teacher's worst nightmare

What does random slang word mean?

Look it up on Urban Dictionary!

by IAC_Real March 28, 2017

Urban dictionary


person a: urban dictionary is shit
Everyone: agreed.

by Jxhdhehdjdj March 17, 2020

Urban dictionary

What your on right now

Your on the Urban dictionary

by APersonWhoPutsInRandomAnswers March 18, 2018

Urban dictionary

Here's the truth it's all fake ;)

Edited by shantanu

I can write about myself whatever I wanted ,

Urban dictionary edits

by Fakeeeee November 24, 2021

Urban Dictionary

The website you are currently on right now

One of the first definitions in Urban Dictionary were made in 1999

by TitleTextHere​ June 22, 2017

Urban Dictionary

A place on the Internet that people use to post definitionsubject of words they made up. However there are some idiots on there that think it necessary to post random ass names of people they know, more often than the humorous shit I look for.

I found a lot of cool shit on Urban Dictionary, but man there are a bunch of morons on there...

by Anarchist pudding November 28, 2016