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A little pussyass bitch.

All emos can suck my motherfuckin' dick.

by MikeCapone January 3, 2009

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Goth for pussies

Emo: Life is pain
Goth: I'll give you pain, motherfucker

by wankeryanker July 11, 2008

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Basically a bunch of kids trying to rebel against society by adopting a new 'rebellious' image in which they dress up in dark clothes, have long hair, slit their wrists and listen to crappy music such as Fallout Boy and Panic at the Disco. However, the problem is that this whole image was thought up of businessmen in the music industry who want to make money off naive teenagers, something which they have done rather successfully!

People seem to think that all emos are social outcasts. Not true, a number of them are actually popular kids who think that changing their image will make them more down-to-earth when in fact it turns them into a bigger prick!

They also think that anybody is a chav, even a person like me who listens to Canibus rap about the exact value of Pi (3.14592653589 for those who don't know...)

Sterotypical emo: "You're a chav!"

Me: "STFU! If you such a big rock music fan then name me one Jimi Hendrix song?"

Sterotypical emo: "Errrrrr...."

Me: "I'm Wating...How about Voodoo Chile?"

Sterotypical emo: "Isn't that some kind of country?"

by frenoe July 26, 2008

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emo is a steriotype of a person like a chav in a way most emos just feel neglected or unwanated and slit there wrists for the sake of it but other emos can do it to feel wanted. The way they act reflects on the music they listen to such as rock punk. Most chavs hate emos and judge them.

chav: wot u lookin at lil emo freak
emo: nuffin just a waste of space!

by dont-judge-me October 29, 2006

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A pair of jeans and a haircut. See also: poser, desperate wannabe, freak, or sick attempt at trying to be cool.

"Hi, my name is depressed emo freak. I love black, slitting my wrist, being a homosexual, the usual. I like hot pink, skateboarding, pretending I'm a skateboarder, crying, and writing poems. I don't eat, and I live inside my room. People think I'm weird because I wear black nailpolish and dark, dark black eyeshadow, but really I'm just better than everyone else. I wish people could just understand my superiority. One of my favorite poems is the following: "I'm going to draw a picture, a picture with a twist; I'll draw it with a razorblade; I'll draw it on my wrist." --It really turns me on. I'm going to go write in my diary like a freak now."

exerpt from createblog.com --podbody's nerfect.

by heather.dee...! December 12, 2008

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Some one who is from seattle and listen to fall out boy and 30 seconds to mars while cutting their wrists and complaining about how much life sucks and write dark poetry about their past girlfriends/boyfriends and how they were their world and they can't live with out them....

uugggh Im from seattle it's so depressing here...im gonna go put on the new fall out boy cd and cut myself, after that im gonna write about how sally ripped out my heart....ohhh life is so horrible....oh god...uggh...emo faggot

by Jaymcc September 24, 2008

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True emos cannot accept normal problems in their life and overblow the littlest issue. They have not learned that everyone else in the world is able to suck it up and solve their problems and they find that dwelling on their misery is a way to live. They ususally want to be classified at schools as "different" or "intelligent" or "mysterious". Usually, they come off as wimps that cannot deal with life. Many true emos will "try" to make it hidden but intentionally fail to further recieve attention, while getting negative attention and teasing.

A poser is truly more stupid than an emo, and pretends to not be able to deal with problems to gain attention. They are a type of attention whore. To mimic their closed-minded idea of an emo, they tend to cut themselves, usually in the radial or ulnar wrist arteries. They also tend to dress (what they would call different) but like a growing trend of kids who attempt to appear slovenly (dirty hair and shirts, makeup, etc.) They call themselves "nonconformists" while not realizing that they are joining a growing number of conformists. Posers tend to try to make it well-known that they are cutters and make an overly large show of their faked depression. Once they recieve teasing, they run off crying and screaming clichΓ©s. If they happen to recieve "comfort" (by a guillable idiot for sure) they cannot accept it and start complaining about everything under their delusion that someone cares to hear them whine, while not realizing that they are acting ridiculous.

Incidentally, an extremely large percentage of emos tend to have a good life and possibly better than most average American lives. It follows actually that the people that really do have it bad adapt to it and live with it. While people who have rich parents, lots of stuff, and a smooth life tend to not be able to accept small problems like breakups while the kids who have it bad have learned to handle their family members being murdered.

Event - minor break-up:

Emo: I only blame myself *sniff*
Poser: *sniff*Nobody understands...*proceeds to write meaningless junk and ends up getting more frustrated and cycle repeats*
Kid who has it bad: Who cares I really need to worry about making sure my baby cousin doesn't get killed by our alcoholic mother.

by nobody6400 June 21, 2009

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