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There are no true hipsters because hipsters are mainstream and hipsters are against the mainstream.

Hipsters are to mainstream, so therefor I am not a hipster. Or maybe I am.

by wifeymaterial December 11, 2014


A very mainstream Victoria's Secret underwear.

I would not want to be called a hipster.

by A Futching Futch April 23, 2012


Girls named Nora

That girl Nora, she's the Alpha hipster

by thesickblanket May 9, 2020


Anyone who is named or has a variation of the name "Germain".

Germain is such a hipster.

by Bnerdude June 20, 2022


Someone who does whatever they love without a single care what other people think, They often have obscure or unknown hobbies or interests that Only make it to the mainstream audience decades after they do it first, they have a sense of fashion that only they and their tightly knit group of likeminded friends appreciate. They often possess Progressive or liberal viewpoints.

Media still portrays the textbook hipsters as the same skinny jeans, flannel, tiny beanie with doc martens vinyl collecting coffee drinking low testosterone male.

The modern hipster falls under the new blanket term “Alt” Or “Alternative” is someone with excessive piercings that often skates, has tacky tattoos, Listens to mac demarco, wear long jorts and single stitch shirts.

Trendhopper: Man i need a Nintendo 64 those are so cool now!

Hipster: I was playing the n64 while you were still using an iphone 4 its not as fun as you think

Trendhopper: Everyone has Birkenstock bostons i gotta get a pair!

Hipsters: You were still in the womb while i was rockin birks lil bro

by Gentledude January 17, 2023


A generation indulging in free-radicalism, individualism, repression and social stigma to oppress ideologies different to the social norm; rebellion. Once a movement to back something of importance and relevance for progressive-evolution of the world, primarily when under psychedelic inebriation, now a trend to mimic the desire of self promotion - in a sober, money driven state

Hipster: Examples are too mainstream, I LIKE to be different; being different makes the biggest difference!

by listentobillhicks June 29, 2013


A person who hates everything mainstream, and liked everything before it was cool. Often famous for style on Tumblr. They often love Starbucks.

"Look at the way she's dressed! She's such a hipster. "

"How did the hipster burn their tongue? They drank their coffee before it was cool"

by ShelBAE September 2, 2015