Scene Kid = Chav/Townie + Emo/Goth
my reasons why.
A typical Scene Kid boy will be wearing
-Skinny Jeans
-Tight colourful t-shirt
-New Era hat
-Nike Airforce 1's
Scene Kids, wear apparel of sport brands (usually Nike or Adidas Originals) and various other famous brands (Vans checkered shoes, or band t-shirts). Scene kids are happy fellows unlike Emos, of whom most scene kids detest. But scene kids have some emo traits, like dyed hair (not usually black but can be), skinny jeans, straightened hair, piercings - SCENE KIDS DO NOT CUT THEMSELVES!
Popular Scene Kid Traits
- myspace
- pokemon (or some other old fashion)
- going to gigs/concerts
- hanging around town centres
- talking weird or pretending they're gangster
Scene Kids will say things like
"you are the sex"
"myspace me fer-sure"
Typical music interests for scene kids:
- trancecore
- hardcore
- grime
- nu rave
bands could include:
bring me the horizon
from first to last
Scene Kid Boy: 'liek omfgzzz im going to see bmth tonite will be fxckin br00t4l!'
Scene Kid Girl: 'WOWW thats liek bare orgasmic tbh'
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Someone who is expressing themselves through the music they listen to and make and the clothes they wear.
So what if all scene kids dress the same! All the emos dress the same all the goths dress the same all the moshers dress the same EVERYONE DRESSES THE SAME! When you walk down the fucking street and see something someones wearing that you like you buy something like it its not copying its just gathering ideas you retards! so fuck if scene kids listen to music noones every heard of who gives a shit if they like it what fucking matters.
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kids who spent the majority of their childhood (5-12) in the 2000s (2000-2009) decade. Primarily 1990s babies are 2000s kids but kids born from 1991-92 are classified as a (Hybrid) meaning half 90s/00 kid. The 2000s kids spans from 1991-2002 but the real 00 kids are born (1993-1999).
NOTE: 3-4 is toddler age and is NOT classified as a kid.
Only true 2000s kids played game cube, Xbox, PlayStation 2 and remember when camera phones came out.
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There are three types:
The choir geek: They are very interested in music. They may have good voices, but their primary talent is actually enjoying sight-reading. They have a passion. They enjoy it above everything else. They may major later on.
The ch. nerd: The sole purpose of his membership is that he can't fit in with anyone else. He acts like a little kid, may run around in practice, and make stupid jokes that a non-ch. kid would have bullied him for.
The plain ch. kid: Doesn't want to be too involved (see example for more info.)
Do not confuse thechoir geek with the nerd.
Typical choir geek joke: A: what is the name of that funeral song? B: what? A: This one (hums tune) B: That's an aria. how can an aria be a funeral song?
Choir nerd jokes, on the other hand, are usually in some way related to excrement, if not, are just plain stupid.
The first two types both use choir as an outlet, as a social group, that all your friends are a part of. However, the plain ch. kid is smart, in that he realizes that choir is a CLASS. He takes it because it is the most interesting Elective (not group), but is either in sports, or simply thinks that the others are too weird, which they are.
Choir kid
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A true scene kid is a boy or girl who wears whatever they want without caring.
A typical scene kid is a boy or girl who finds a style on the internet of a popular bebo, myspace, or facebook, and occasionally Vampire Freaks, that they like, and copies that style either completely or in parts.
A true scene kid has a hairstyle that is pretty crazy, and is like this so they can express themselves. True scene kids usually cut their own hair, because it's no fun expressing yourself when someone else cuts your hair.
A typical scene kid (girl) hair long hair with short layers at the top, and no layers underneath the top half. These layers are usually backcombed until they stand out from the head. This is usually to attract attention.
True scene kids don't set out to be hated, they go about their lives, and pick up a few haters along the way who dislike them because of their appearence and views on things.
Typical scene kids are deliberately controversial to get 'famous' on the internet.
This is a generalisation. Do not take all of this too seriously.
Most scene kids are called emo by chavs who do not understand that most emos are said to not wear much colour, whereas scene kids supposedly wear obscene amounts of neon coloured clothing.
True scene kids will never say they are scene.
Dont knock true scene kids. They won't do you any harm unless you start something.
scene kid
scene girls include kiki kannibal, audrey kitching, dakota rose and several others.
scene boys are people like jeffrey star etcetera.
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Scene is basically a guy/girl who likes to listen to screamo/metal music but doesn't dress emo.
*They love bright/neon/pastel colours.
*The most common colours worn by scene kids are blue and pink.
*Scene girls take big interest in teased hair with a bright coloured bow in there hair with a very heavy side bang.
*Scene guys take interest in hair shaped around the face, usually hippie bands are put across their heads and they may wear clips or bows in there hair with a heavy side bang like the girls.
*Most Scene Girls love Hello Kitty, you will see them with Hello Kitty necklaces or hair clips/slides.
*Most Scene Guys take interest in Gloomy Bear, you mgiht see them with a Gloomy Bear shirt or plushie.
*Scene Girls like heavy liquid eyeliner, either in black, pink or blue with a grey shadow on their eyelids aswell.
*Scene guys don't really wear make-up.
*Scene girls mostly pout when posing for a bunch of pictures taken from the side or above them, holding the camera up high with them looking away from the camera.
*Scene guys tend to take photos from the side with a straight face.
*There is a BIG didfference between emo and scene kids!!
*Most scene girls have hair extentions or the bottom layer of their hair really long while the top layer is very short.
*Scene girls and guys also love coon tails but most use extentions as they do not want permanent coon tails, but some scene kids do.
*Scene Kids hair is always amazing!
*They like to brag about them having classic nintendo's or sega's as they are very old fashion and like to keep vintage in style.
*Scene kids also have myspace.
SceneKidOne: ZOMG!! I love your coons!!!
SceneKidTwo: I know right? They are so fucking HardxCore!
SceneKidThree: So we all coming round mine for a round of Sonic on my nintendo then?
SceneKidOne: Nah I'm thinking of updating my myspace and shizz tonight, you knwo how long it takes me to get it perfect.
SceneKidTwo: Anyone heard BMTH's song Rawwr!??
SceneKidThree: ZOMFG!! I love that song:D
SceneKidOne: I love Scene Kids, Especially the girls man, they are HAWT!
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High School students enrolled in the "International Baccalaureate" program.
In this program students do hella extra work for little or no recognition what-so-ever. They are considered neerdy or a geek and too smart for thier own good.
These students become a steriotype and become branded by everyone in the school as an IB Kid.
See that guy, he is an IB Kid, let us laugh at our immaturity, hahahahhhahah.
Footbag Biotch!
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