A person who is focused on a task or project and making progress despite all criticisms and ill wishes.
You can hate him all you like but Mikel Arteta is a moving train.
Ordering your units to attack in a certain direction without any strategy or tactics. Usually used by noobs.
Putin a-moved Ukraine and got recked.
1) A b move is something done by someone that is rather small but incredibly stupid of them. Sort of like the bonehead play of everyday life.
2) A brief moment of no common sense.
Guy 1: I don't know why I just spent 10 minutes getting dressed for the cold when we're about to smoke a cigarette in the warm car.
Guy 2: That such a b move.
It is when a girl that likes someone says the name of that person and usually has the name that starts with R-Z
That is a basic B-move
To have sex with someone. If the sex is loud you move furniture to cover the sound
Move furniture: Hey Babe let’s move the furniture. So the kids won’t hear your moan for loud.
the west move is a reply to something a guy named link says. Basically, Link loves vore or something. Link constantly says *eats you* but this time, he made a mistake and said *east you* now this is where the west move comes in. Before he can edit the message or correct himself, you want to quickly type *west you* and watch as Link falls apart knowing that you got him good.
"i really pulled the west move on that guy!"