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Bournemouth Girl

A young lady from the seaside town of Bournemouth who is wrapped up in her appearance, has limited brain cells and lusts after trophy boyfriends.

Typically seen looking attractive yet artificial, with fake tan, nails, heavy makeup and a revealing outfit. Not too dissimilar from the 'Essex Girl'. Typical aims in life are to bag a football player.

"Bovvd. That place is just filled with typical Bournemouth girls."

by schmackeroonie February 14, 2010

90๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

girl, bye

girl,whateva. this is said when a girl has confrontation with another female (usually a hater),usually when the hater accuses her of something that isn't true or says something that isn't true.

hater: girl, your man was with me.
girl: girl, bye.

by tawnee mack October 20, 2003

70๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Italian Girl

Most Italian girls are extremely bitchy and pretty. Dark tan skin and thick hair. They get crazy jealous and know exactly what they want. Known for their phenomenal bodies (especially ass) they are hated by a lot of other females their age due to jealousy. Once you crack an Italian girl she can be loyal forever

Hey bro, want to go on a double date with me and Sophie and you and your girl?

Dude she's an Italian girl, it won't end well .

by i'mlikeheywhatsuphello August 28, 2016

50๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

fan girling

Any girl extremely obsessed with any celebrity, t.v. show, movie, book, or other entertainment/media who is participating in fan actitivities such as message boards, fanfiction, or conventions.

Has been used in the past as derogatory but has become less and less in certain fandoms. Fan girling frequently happens with large amounts of squee.

The noun would be fangirl or occasionally fengirl, though the later is usually used as plural.

Her whole message board was fan girling over the new episode.

by Kitanne December 10, 2005

122๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž

granola girl

Modern hippy woman minus the heroin and STD's. Socially aware and active with a penchant for hemp and sodium-free soap. May eat tofu for breakfast and sweeten food with agave syrup. Is determined to save the world.

You know you're granola when you strap your five thousand dollar bike to your five hundred dollar car and vote for Ralph Nader.

Hey, was that Sarah in the SUV?

No way, man, she's a granola girl!

by Phylipswiller May 17, 2007

429๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

scene girls

How to become a scene girl.

1. Dye your hair; black, beach blonde, red, rainbow colors.

2. Cut your hair short and choppy. Or you can have long hair with really short layers on top.

3. Learn how to style your hair. The bigger the better. Make it stand up in the back.

4. Wear cute little clips in your hair.

5. Wear layers of clothing. It doesn't matter if it doesn't match. Make sure its colorful.

6. Get shoes; converse, vans, flats.

7. Make sure to wear lots of eye shadow, really bright colors.

8. When you talk through in "SUP @ CHU" and "KTHANXBIA", "STFU", "IM BRUTAL WITH 2 Z3R0s and A F0uR" shit like that will make people think you talk scene so you must be scene.

9. Go to shows.

10. Defend the scene.

11. You MUST have a myspace.

12. Take new pictures for myspace like everyday.

Good Luck!


Scene girls are so cool, I wish I could be one.

by ECCKAH October 16, 2006

722๐Ÿ‘ 246๐Ÿ‘Ž

bengali girl

One of the hottest races of girls originated from the Indian subcontinent

Black guy: yo look at that cute Lil shawty over there, what that mouth do?

Bengali guy: She's a Bengali girl. They're bad af. Better not mess with that ass.

by ArjunGupta1 April 25, 2016

51๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž