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Crazy time with the girls

The group of girls that post shows on Youtube,Facebook,and their website,crazytimewiththegirls.Webs.com.They are extremely funny and are under the ages of 16.Their dream is to become famous.

Me'Why are you laughing so hard?!
Friend:Because I'm watching the new episode of Crazy Time With The Girls!

by *Drake Lover* June 26, 2012

Coco Crazy Bananas

A phrase used when something is wild or unbelievable. Kind of like when you go Coco Crazy for Coco Puffs

Person A: Did you hear about that crazy stunt Mr. Williams pulled yesterday in Pre-AP math
Person B: Oh, You mean the one where he did a backflip off his desk
Person A: Yeah, it was Coco Crazy Bananas man
Person B: He was a total Funkey Monkey

by ~ManMan~ July 3, 2022

Tiger King Crazy

The most extreme crazy one can be. Unless they are Tiger King Tom Cruise Crazy. Then they are bat shit crazy.

Have you spoken to your ex lately. Hell no. She is Tiger King Crazy

by Brandy's Dad April 16, 2020

thats crazy bud

Explaining something that’s insane, usually to your friend(s). Also a statement that can be used for mocking when it’s not actually that crazy.

Jeff told me that last night Travis slammed 20 beers and I was like “ thats crazy bud ” .

by Frianna October 17, 2017

crazy white bitch

i’m madly in love with you

“she’s a crazy white bitch
is actually code for “i’m madly in love”

by user.8679 February 11, 2023

crazy like hj

Crazy like Hayley Jane (popular singer/songwriter), specifically in a very creative sense and/or fickle with relationships.

"Did you hear that? That chick is crazy like HJ!"

by zacanger May 26, 2007

19👍 26👎

Bat Shit Crazy

Being crazy to the point where you need help

"Dude did you see Assir?"

"Yeah! That dude's fucking bat shit crazy!"

by AWithoutE June 5, 2016

4👍 3👎