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Tosh Zhang looks orbit. Bye bye Urban Dictionary hate you too!

Tosh Zhang looks orbit. Bye bye Urban Dictionary hate you too!

Tosh Zhang looks orbit. Bye bye Urban Dictionary hate you too!

by Baram12 July 16, 2024

Too Pretty To Pull Out

Too Pretty To Pull Out.
*Often a state of mind immediately before post nut clarity.*

-When a girl is so attractive that a guy forgets to pull out.
-When a guy is about to pull out but looks at an attractive girls face and she looks like a good mother.

Nancy: "OMG John, did you just give me a creampie?!"
John: "Oh yeah, sorry I forget to pull out because you are so pretty."

Steve: "hey John, why did you get Nancy pregnant?"
John: "she was just too pretty to pull out."

by 5harp February 19, 2025

Too In

A girl wants your dick. Also see: So in

Bro #1: Dude, that hot bitch has been staring me down for a while.

Bro #2: Bro, you're TOO IN.

by GhellaaaaaNigro March 9, 2012

pulling the trigger too often

scheduling golf outings with your cronies without permission and/or verification

he's in trouble this week from pulling the trigger too often when we played last weekend.

by veejayjay November 7, 2012

Too Fat To Fall

Being in an (undeservedly) well-off position

I would love to see him fry, but now Roger just seem to be Too Fat To Fall.

by OsloCalling July 3, 2010

Poured too much wooter In the oots

A.K.A. "Pouring too much water in the oats." Referring to that of making oatmeal and pouring too much water. Another way to express 'fucking something up.'

I forgot a lighter! I poured too much wooter in the oots!

by Quélup October 9, 2017

too high to riot

A state of being unbothered or lazy about a particular issue

Tim: why didn't you speak up while TJ was calling false fouls

John: Nah G at the time I was just too high to riot

by Born-Sinner February 4, 2018