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cockshut hill school

A school bases in the west midlands (Birmingham) which all wasteman attend ๐Ÿ˜‚

Cockshut hill school is a school in the area of Yardley!

by Squadlets March 16, 2017

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Camp Eagle Hill

1. A place in the middle of nowhere, that bonds a few hundred campers together.
2. Where we can't wait for dinner, because that is the only meal thats coed.
3. DJ parties are the biggest thing since sliced bread.
5. Where the Lakside girls are known as a "little" insanee
6. Where the numbers 12523 are more than just numbers, they are home
7. A beautiful place that we call home.

"Even though the people at Camp Eagle Hill may be a little psycho, I love them all so much. Every summer is something new and amazing!"

by e.glickz December 10, 2006

4๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cherry Hill, NJ

A big suburb only seen by non-Cherry Hillers while driving through to get to Philly. A numerous amount of Jews can be seen walking to and from the JCC in their yamacas or driving their mercedes around. The East Side and the West Side have their differences, but, objectively, they are all the same: rich, white kids with dumbass rich parents, and who feel the need to pretend they're black. If your are thinking about moving to Cherry Hill, don't. If you already live in Cherry Hill, sucks for you. For all those who have no idea what Cherry Hill is, lucky bitches.

Why is it called Cherry Hill when there are no cherry trees?
a) Who the fuck cares?
b) Probably some Jew named it.
c) 'Cause Cherry Hill is full of dumb shits.

(Trust me...it's c)

by it doesn't really matter May 5, 2005

62๐Ÿ‘ 130๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rock Hill

A small suburb of Saint Louis that's ran by the gang known as the Rock Hill Boys or RHB

The Rock Hill Boys run Rock Hill.

by Heyyoyoyo March 26, 2014

1๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Cherry Hill West

The school that has the better teams in sports and is near the library. They assume that all people at the other highschool in town are rich and eithor jewish or asian but are wrong. It is also clear to see that the students here do not like the other highschool and get very antisemetic in their comments about the other high school. Its ignorant of them because at one point almost all the jews were on the west side. Their ignorance can be seen clearly with the schools SAT avrages

Cherry hill west is near the library

by eyeinthesky January 11, 2011

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boulder hill(hood)

A unincorporated TURD of a town located in Illinois between Montgomery & Oswego

No one wants to claim boulder hill(hood) because it is a giant turd.

by surrealpoodle June 4, 2014

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dark hills gang

Memphis Based rap group on Bloody River Records. They have released 2 albums.

Hey man you get that new dark hills gang album yet?

by fatpat901 July 25, 2008

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