Source Code

give someone a bang on the pipes

A phone call

I'll give someone a bang on the pipes tomorrow at 3 pm and ask them if they can help.

by Beary 🐻 November 9, 2020

West Virginia Steam Pipe

A West Virginia Steam Pipe is the act of burping into someone’s mouth, followed by them inhaling it and burping up the others persons burp. Making a combined burp.

β€œI was making out with my girl and I burped in her mouth as a joke, and she gave me a West Virginia Steam Pipe! I think I’m in love.”

by Wvspluvr June 6, 2021

Pipe down glue stick

To tell a man with a small penis to calm down.

You’re acting crazy pipe down glue stick

by sexymommytittiefuck November 11, 2019

P Dubya (Pipe Wash)

An oral pleasuring of the male package.

She gave a DAMN good P Dubya (Pipe Wash)!

by Giovanni M December 17, 2007

9πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

put that in your pipe and smoke it

Instructions describing the proper sequence of one of the common methods of ingesting marijuana. In such form it can be broken into two steps.

Step 1: put that (marijuana) in your pipe.

Step 2: smoke it.

It should be noted that these instructions leave out the critical steps: attain marijuana, pull out the seeds in your cheap-ass shit, and use the lighter to enflame the illegal substance.

Person 1: "Hey man, what should I do with this marijuana?"

Person 2: "Put that in your pipe and smoke it."

Person 1: "I still don't understand."

by Tom March 30, 2005

75πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

iron pipe of fuk-nasty

another word for dick; a well-worked dick that is very powerful

1) hey girl, wanna take a ride on the iron pipe of fuk-nasty
2) man with the iron pipe of fuk-nasty, i can drive shit into the ground

by Big Al March 11, 2005

7πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

dirty wretched pipe monger

females found only in northern california whos only goal in life is to find males named blake who'll attempt in placing pipes like easter eggs in and around low-income housing tracts so as to increase the availabity of std's in crank whores

misty was sad after some other 'dirty wretched pipe monger' stuffed the pipe the only place she staci could hit it, blakes cum slot!

by dizzgustin January 18, 2007

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