Generally defining an ugly girl. "Fucking Dog Ugly"
They are normally fat (Wide assed) and pimply faced.
Hey bud check out that girl she's FUD Ugly!
When someone looks ugly as shit and is a failure at life
“ wtf who made you Capri u lookin tooooo ugly fucking tiny ass ponytail”
Human being(usually a women) who looks like shit but still attracts a lot of men for unknown reasons. The term is almost never used to be nice
Pamela is a ugly hoe who deserves to die in a hole.
Ugly Toby. Toby is an ugly dog, which is not wonderful, mellow, sweet or kind hearted dog. Toby is Ugly, Rude, Furious every minute of the day, and bullies cats.
Ugly Toby also has a brother named Ugly Charlie. Ugly Charlie is very like Ugly Toby. Again, not wonderful, mellow, sweet or kind hearted dog. Bullies cats as well.
Toby has white, brown, and black fur.
Smells absolutely disgusting, like wet dog.
Girl 1: Uhm. Is that Ugly Toby?..
Girl 2: Along with Ugly Charlie?!
Boy 1 (DW): Ay Ladies! Those are my puppy dogs! Like ‘em? I take them to the Go-Kart-Track every Sunday!
Girl 1&2: EW! *runs away*
Something or someone that is so beautiful that it makes you feel far inferior to that thing or person to the point of being assaulted.
"This dress beat me up and called me ugly"
They ugly guy in the group who thinks he gets bare girls when he doesn't really. Then brags about it 24/7 about being called 'bae' and their whole conversation. Its one of those guys who just pisses you off and you just want to say it straight to their face but don't want to hurt any of their ugly feeling. :
Ugly: Yo, mans chatting bare gyal nowadays, mans gonna be on it and that! She called me 'bae'.
Friend: *thinking in his head* Mate, stfu about getting bare girls. You act like girls have never said BAE to you and you get all happy. Like, chill. Doesn't mean your together. Your ugly anyway, they probably going through you to get to your good looking friends so chill. Its always that one ugly friend
the word is the mixture of ugly and hoe so if you want to deeply insult someone you just gotta pull out the ugly-oesiss card. It might not be easy to use in your daily life but whenever you can just do it its simple
Bartney; you flucking ugly-oesiss your flucking sus fam