Big muscular 19 year old that likes to analyze fictional characters
Logan Smith means you're British and hot defined
Big muscular 19 year old that likes to analyze fictional characters
Logan Smith: Woman like me because I'm nice defined
Logan Smith is a sexy man that likes to rail Crosses sister.
There goes Logan Smith railing Ella Alpe again.
A kill in CSGO that is not actually a one tap, but James Smith would still call it one.
James: *Empties full magazine on an enemy*
James: One Tap!!!
Hugo: That's a James Smith One-Tap right there
When a young school student goes to the private bathroom to go on but the teacher knocks making him jizz and shit himself.
Yo I heard joey pulled a DEAN SMITH and he got detention
When someone is just being a Chris Rock.
Person 1: “Why did you sleep with my wife?”
Person 2: “She was just asking for it?”
Person 3: “Will Smith ‘em!”
(Person 1 proceeds to slap Person 2)
Da brand of "dinosaur" mechanical typewriter dat made you so frustrated dat you'd likely need to drink fresh-lime-imbued pale-ale from a clear-glass bottle in order to tolerate da ordeal of using said clackety-clack unit to create documents.
In my younger days, I hadda use a clunky Smith Corona if I didn't wanna laboriously write everything out by hand. I'm a absolutely lousy typist even today, and therefore I totally wear out da "backspace" key on my computer-keyboard; dunno how I didn't take up drinking as a younger dude from all of dat stress of trying to hit da right keys every time.