Source Code

Logan Smith

Big muscular 19 year old that likes to analyze fictional characters

Logan Smith means you're British and hot defined

by Gambit___ January 22, 2022

logan smith

Big muscular 19 year old that likes to analyze fictional characters

Logan Smith: Woman like me because I'm nice defined

by Gambit___ January 22, 2022

Logan Smith

Logan Smith is a sexy man that likes to rail Crosses sister.

There goes Logan Smith railing Ella Alpe again.

by Bigdaddyd1ck May 17, 2022

James Smith One-Tap

A kill in CSGO that is not actually a one tap, but James Smith would still call it one.

James: *Empties full magazine on an enemy*
James: One Tap!!!
Hugo: That's a James Smith One-Tap right there

by Dragon_37 March 17, 2019


When a young school student goes to the private bathroom to go on but the teacher knocks making him jizz and shit himself.

Yo I heard joey pulled a DEAN SMITH and he got detention

by Jupiter egder November 28, 2024

Will Smith ‘em

When someone is just being a Chris Rock.

Person 1: “Why did you sleep with my wife?”
Person 2: “She was just asking for it?”
Person 3: “Will Smith ‘em!”

(Person 1 proceeds to slap Person 2)

by TheRedPandaMan March 28, 2022

Smith Corona

Da brand of "dinosaur" mechanical typewriter dat made you so frustrated dat you'd likely need to drink fresh-lime-imbued pale-ale from a clear-glass bottle in order to tolerate da ordeal of using said clackety-clack unit to create documents.

In my younger days, I hadda use a clunky Smith Corona if I didn't wanna laboriously write everything out by hand. I'm a absolutely lousy typist even today, and therefore I totally wear out da "backspace" key on my computer-keyboard; dunno how I didn't take up drinking as a younger dude from all of dat stress of trying to hit da right keys every time.

by QuacksO August 26, 2019