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jack sock

A sock used for the purposes of masturbation, often found hardened and flaking, stuffed down the side of the bed in a teenage boy's room. Also the unfortunate name of a US professional tennis player.

Not to be confused with jock sack, a Scotsman's ball bag.

"That guy's name is Jack Sock??!!"

by Jon Salat November 12, 2017


The motion made with one's own arm imitating a male masterbating to show a complete lack of interest or respect to someone talking.

I was standing behind my boss air-jacking while he was yelling at everyone in the meeting.

by Outlaw Redneck February 28, 2018

Meme jack

When one person steals another person's meme without a customary like or upvote

Don't you hate when someone meme jacks you and they get more likes?

by DelusionsOfAdequacy September 8, 2017

Jacking the beanstock

Beatin your meat

I wanted to masturbate so I started jacking the beanstock.

by gmhcubix February 27, 2016


Slang --

Org: Gic (HyperThread)
1) Noun: Gic that is confusing, scattered or disorienting in nature. Always in quantities greater than individual.
2) Verb: To gic in a particularly intense or illustrative manner.

1) Surveying the field littered with gic-jack, he wept for there were no more worlds left to conquer.
2) Got gic-jack'd by that ass hat in the SUV.
3) Don't you be bringin' that gic-jack in here muthafucka.

by Evo September 24, 2004

jack manifold

that bitch from stranger things

Jack Manifold: i got a custard cream biscuit #🍪
Person: why is eleven from stranger things on twitter.... girl you've got monsters to fight!!!

by sally the salmon is a milf September 28, 2021

jack the slurp

When a person vigorously shakes a slurpee up and down in a masturbating motion in order to move the delicious slurpee product into a position that can be more easily sucked up by a straw. Usually this action is performed when there is mostly ice left and every time you suck the slurpee product does not fill in the air pocket created.

I really wanted the last bit of my slurpee, so I had to jack the slurp every few seconds to keep it coming up the straw.

by Udy October 16, 2008