The most amazing girl in the world.
She’s beautiful inside and outside.
Arely is one of a kind, she’s there for you in the best times and the worst time
She’ll always have your back and will never give up on someone. gives unconditional love, she has long black beautiful hair and a dark ton to her.
She’s loves anime, movies, books and hanging with friends. Arely is very smart and good at statistics. She never disappoints
Arely M is very sweet
A baby born to a man through his arse hence arse baby
He had to relegate himself on Fifa as the games were too competitive, what an arse baby
To defecate with such force, it explodes out of your arse.
DON’T GO IN THERE!!! I just launched an Arse Torpedo into the toilet bowl!!!!
Someone intent on sucking up to you no no matter what the cost.
Dave was a right arse duster today
Being kicked out of your home, left alone with no where to live, ie homeless
My mam has left me out on my arse
Verb - Meaning to go about a designated task in an obvious and intentional half-arsed manner, with the expectation of having someone more motivated or capable step in and take over, and never being entrusted with such tasks ever again.
Woman to friend: "I don't know why I bother asking my insert either: Son/Husband/Brother/Housemate to help with insert either: cook/clean/laundry/chores etc, they'll just fart around Half-arsing it so that I take over in frustration and finish it properly, or have to do it all over again anyway."
Mother to Son: "Can you please help fold and put away your laundry?"
Son to Mother: *sighs* "OK..." * scrunches laundry into a ball and stuffs it in a drawer.*
Mother to Son: "you know what? Just get outta my way and quit Half-arsing around. I may as well just do it myself."