Asshole who thinks he’s really cool cuz he knows words such as pulpertudeness and gangly. Also acts like a douchebag 24/7
That guy is such a Drew fox. Who is gonna tell him that saying flops isn’t cool.
steven fox is a sexy black man with a huge cock. steven has the ability to pleasure any girl by fucking her hard
fuck me like steven fox
Obscure furry youtuber who barely uploads due to lack of content
"Hey did you hear of Tack The Fox"
"Well, he's obscure so i wouldnt judge you
When someone (usually a boomer), acts like they have a degenerative brain disease due to watching too much Fox News.
“You haven’t heard of Fox Rot”?
“We all know someone who has Fox Rot”.
Comments including racial stereotypes, woman vegana fish jokes, celebrity hate, transphobia, homophobia, defending of murderers who killed protesters, anti protesting for equal rights comments, Dale sr/dale jr comments, “woke” comments, “when men where men and not women” comments, misogynistic comments, boomer humor, country music comments, “groomer/grooming” comments, “nascar died when dale died” comments, “let’s go barandon”comments, anti Bubba Wallace comments, anti pop and rap comments, “who?” Comments for a celebrity they should clearly know, “I’m not watching/buying this!” Comments, etc. the list can go on and on
I get sick looking a Fox News comments
that scientist from Unikitty who makes robots and stuff
"Dr. Fox? Dr. Fooooooooox..."
A unikitty character that I love
The r34 of dr fox is cursed please don’t look it up for the sake of your eyeballs