Let’s have pre’s in the rumble zone?
Naaaah mate heard it’s even worse than having pre’s in the rumble zone 2.0
The space between the bottom half of a glory hole and your ball sack.
Dude the glory hole at Starbucks had some epic swing zone. Didn't bruise my balls at all this week.
The space between the bottom half of a glory hole and your ball sack.
Dude the glory hole at Starbucks had some epic swing zone! Didn't bruise my balls at all this week.
The ultimate friend zone level and one of no return, akin to level 100m on the Original Donkey Kong or level 256 on Pac-Man.
The party in question is often so far in they do not realize they are in the midst of the friend-zone status.
1) A guy gets sent a naked picture from a girl who asks him to "make sure she looks alright before she sends it to another guy". He assumes this to be a ruse, that she actually wants his dick. This assumption is false, he is in fact in the nick level friend-zone.
2) There are two guys and a girl drinking in town. Guy 1 thinks he will take the girl home at the end of the night and does not understand why Guy 2 is hanging around so late. This is made clear when it is Guy 2 who takes the girl home, Guy 1 is nick level friend-zoned.
A guy tells a girl that he is fishing and cannot hangout.
I'd Rather be fishing
Erin asked is bobby could hangout but he fish-zoned her!
It's for people who are irrelevant,mad, triggered, and sad
She's in the awaan zone
Intoxicated with alcoholic liquor to the point of impairment of physical and mental faculties combined with A state of emotion so intense that one is carried beyond rational thought and self-control. Not to be confused with Pizza Hut's variant of a calzone.
1. On the way to the music festival we found ourselves in the Pin-Zone as we toasted our beers on the Long Island Railroad.
2. Guy 1. Are you buzzed yet?
Guy 2. Nah man I am feeling nice. How about you?
Guy 1. Yeah man, I am in the Pin-Zone