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Printer Theory

The concept that, in any given conversation about the price of warhammer models, someone will say "printer go brr" or some other statement about their use of a 3d printer.

"Wow these models are really expensive! $75 for 100 points!"
"Printer go brrr."
"Ah, classic printer theory."

by danceinthewind March 17, 2022

Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory

The theory that an intelligent pre-human race with entirely black sclera (eyes) evolved to the status of a civilization and technological mastery greater than that of the present human race on the planet earth, the population of which is entirely genetically manipulated and produced by cloning. These aliens/extra-terrestrials may inhabit any number of planets, including in our own solar system, and possess ultimate power over the earth according to the theory. Intelligent apes from before human history according to Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory cloned humanity and dominated them as slaves, and presently treat them lower than cats, dogs, and monkeys, treating all human beings as political chess pieces and science experiments.

Brown's Sapient Evolutionary Theory is depressing, but probably true.

by CoaltownBrown January 3, 2023

Segal Theory


Segal theory has to do with 911 and who is really behind it

by ripnipsey April 8, 2019

Dookie Milk Theory

Dookie milk describes a white women that has been with black men.

Definition- Dookie milk theory: you take a glass and fill it up with cold delicious milk, then you take a piece of dookie and dip in into the milk, in and out, in and out, swirl it around, bang the dookie around the side of the glass. Now take the dookie out the glass of milk….. it’s still Milk, But would you drink it????

Definition- Dookie milk theory: you take a glass and fill it up with cold delicious milk, then you take a piece of dookie and dip in into the milk, in and out, in and out, swirl it around, bang the dookie around the side of the glass. Now take the dookie out the glass of milk….. it’s still Milk, But would you drink it????

Example; She dookie milk bro, just thought you should know!!

by Nark Twain October 11, 2021

Cat Theory

The theory that women are like cats, in the way that when you go to pet a cat, it doesn't want anything to do with you, but when you give a cat no attention, it comes and cuddles with you. The same goes for a woman and the amount of attention you give them.

How did you bag Sara bro? She's a 10!

Cat Theory Bro. Ignored her for two weeks. Works every time.

by bacondeliguava March 19, 2016

Subjective Assignment Theory

The theory that states that any subjective assignment (such as a book review) can be done without knowing what you are talking about (like writing a book review without reading the book).

Person 1: "Did you read the book and write the review?"

Person 2: "Nah. I'm not going to read the book; I'm just going to use Subjective Assignment Theory."

by bodfibodgjioqja November 18, 2011

Gateway Conspiracy Theory

Gateway Conspiracy Theory.
Typically a conspiracy that does less harm than the other theories.
It often leads to more dangerous conspiracy theories.
Hence the term " gateway"
E.G: flerfers or flat-earthers theory could be less dangerous than say, a theory that the the elites are out to destroy us all, as it USUALLY has no real-life consequence.
Whereas a conspiracy theory that states the elites are out to destroy us all can lead upto and include death by suicide, paranoia, etc.

Gateway Conspiracy Theory.
That bloke that topped himself used to just be into #GatewayConspiracyTheories, flat earth, etc.
Then he went onto the hard stuff, like the elites want to kill us all.

by Daniel00 January 1, 2024