Commiting morally debatable acts with girls, many of whom are lesbians.
For the crime of pulling a kim, you are sentenced to 25 to life.
She is a sunshine to me. She has beautiful character. Her smile makes my day, which likes the starry night, I can't help loving her
I'm a sunflower 'cause Kim Ngân is the sun
a super adorable inside that cool-boy look, father of Eiffel Tower located in Italy, September is a 8th month of the year, "allways",... , with that creative thought combine with such a beautiful heart and and his celestial talent, he truly represents for God
Whenever he says "OMG", he is so-called Kim Samuel
Best treasure maker and most dedicated
person 1 : did you know lui kim?
person 2: no,but it sounds familiar
person1: how come that you didnt know it? it's when you are the best teume and most dedicated fan of them.
lui kim best teume tease yass
A gir... i mean boy who wants head from an e-girl.
omg Sydney Kim pulls NO BITCHES
sexiest girl alive
can seduce you with a look of her eye and makes your cock rock hard