The best redhead ever. And a cool Solidworks dude. His wife makes nice cookies.
in strict terms, refers to a type of baseball dad in Villa Park, IL. Typically, he is middle aged and often implies that he has the benefit of some kind of vague, construction-oriented employment situation that allows him to "cut out early" so he can attend his son's games. "Mr. Gagunga" is considered a dubious social role, a peculiar individual who is dependent on yet contributes to the social fabrics of the youth baseball and local tavern communities. Regarding fashion aesthetics, his look is one of utility with a focus on comfort. Threadbare t-shirts from beer bracket softball teams, and mesh caps (worn without irony) are common, as are knock-off Oakley sunglasses. A curiously high-pitched voice--which belies his physcial demeanor--is typical. While almost always well-intentioned, the behavior of Mr. Gagunga falls within a range between acceptable and ill-advised. For example, he will invariably grab an old mitt, turn his mesh-backed cap backwards, and position himself behind home plate to warm up his son when he pitches, even though the team's catcher is geared-up and ready. Also, he will often convince his boss to sponsor his son's teams, though it is never entirely clear from the name of the company in what industry they do business. Mr. Gagunga is known to be a very loose with foul language around players and their families, though this is slightly mitigated by the fact that he consistently brings the best post-game snacks and beverages for the team.
Kid: "Mr. Gagunga says he' gonna show Davey how to throw a slider."
Dad: "What Mr. Gagunga needs to do is show Davey how to throw strikes and work on fundamentals."
The act of inserting two fingers into the vagina but then instead of inserting only one finger into the anus you insert two. Live long and prosper my friends!
The last thing she heard before I gave her a Mr Spock was live long and prosper my friends!
An evil math teacher who will go out of her way to make your life a living hell and hopes you go die in a hole.
Famous Lines:
*Can* you go to the washroom?
This class makes me scared some times.
It's the end of the year so lets have a test about every subject!
Student 1 : Our teacher is such a Mrs. Yee. She literally gave us a test on the last day of school.
Student 2 : She literally made me piss myself because i asked to go to the washroom in the wrong way.
The greatest of great sandwiches. to make, follow these steps:
1) Pre-fry three (3) strips oscar meyer (or substitute)bacon
2) Apply Jack Daniels' #7 barbecue sauce to one side of a piece of bread
3) Toss the bread in a buttered frying pan, bbq side up, and place 2 slices yellow american cheese
4) Add the bacon, then 2 more slices of cheese
5) Butter one side of a piece of bread and top the sandwich with it, butter side up
6) Flip the sandwich over, leave for 2-3 mins
7) Cut on the diagonal and eat
the mrs sullivan is an orgasm in my mouth
3👍 1👎
“Mr Christian says he always watches us.”
“What a ducking nonce.”
The greatest teacher of all time, he’s pretty alright except he doesn’t want you eating in his classroom.
Student: hey Mr Prim