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cock block

TOR ANDRESON aka CB- Prevents another person from scoring sexually.

dude was tryin to mack a hoe when he be jumpin in and cock blockin my game...word, not ace my friend

by ACENESS June 11, 2009

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Adjective describing a person who has no attention span or who is a poor listener. A person with the mental equivalent of tunnel vision. A dim bulb with a thick skull. A bone head.

My friend is so ha-block that I can't help but wonder what goes on in his head. I told him that I had two tickets to the movies for Friday night, and asked if he'd like to go. He replied by asking, "What are you doing Friday night? I was thinking of catching a movie."

by Osun Thyruss November 18, 2010

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A word to describe the distance between major intersections in a large city. The small blocks in between are not included when using this phrase.

The M can stand for Main, Major, or even Mega to describe the rough distance between two locations.

Person one: "How far is your hotel to the C.N. Tower?"

Person two: "Roughly 4 and a half M-Blocks"

by Word Burglar October 28, 2009

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Titty block

when you want to suck on her boob and she refuses too let you

Me: Hey Donald that date you set me on was terrible!!
Don: why?? you didnt have sex??
Me: Yeah, she was a total Titty block.

by emerald69 January 18, 2011

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COD Blocked

Not being aloud proper call of duty, or gaming time, because spending time with a girlfriend took up your night. Not to be confused with the term Cock Blocker.

Ya dude i totally got COD blocked by my girlfriend.

by MasterBAMF January 7, 2011

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cooter block

the same thing as a cock block, but for a female.

that other broad so did a cooter block on me at the party.

by winnie is the best January 27, 2008

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Ken Block

The Owner of DC Shoes. Also a rally driver who is driving for ford in the WRC in 2010.

Ken Block rules! did you see him pull of those segway donuts?!

by Cypherst162 January 27, 2010

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