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don't take it personally

1) Polite way of stating an opinion
2) Polite rejection

1) "Don't take it personally, but you are too talkative."
2) "Don't take it personally, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now."

by DNLTM February 6, 2007

88πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

non-human persons

Thomas I. White of the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics and Loyola Marymount University in Los Angeles :

"Like humans, dolphins appear to be self-conscious, unique individuals with distinctive personalities, memories and a sense of self, who are vulnerable to a wide range of physical and emotional pain and harm, and who have the power to reflect upon and choose their actions."

To truly be at the "top" of the animal kingdom; then surely it is incumbent upon us to recognize non-human persons.

by Guido1 February 24, 2010

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Don’t take it personally!

The words Urban Dictionary Editors in Emails tell you when your definition doesn’t make it to the publish section, due to lack of information on the word. They say this but most still take it personally, Even though it is our fault it wasn’t published, this is why most definitions about sex may not get in, it’s also their way of saying sorry

Me: puts definition of Cornhub

2 mins later

Email: your definition of Cornhub was not published
Don’t take it personally!

by 2020 is Satan March 29, 2020

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personal hard candy

Personal Hard Candy means to KILL.
In reference to receiving a hit list, El Jefe gives a "note" to cycle through his chain to

give the "OK" or "Green Light" to kill an enemy. On this note, will be listed rival gang member names, their neighborhood or "Barrio", and/ or how to kill them in (brief description). Side notes may sometimes be included.

(**This term is in relation to gang activity and it's code words to carry out a command. The note is usually sent from prison to their soldiers on the outside, some are kept "in-house" for "in-house green lights"**)

(**The following gang names are fictional and if affect anyone in a personal matter, my apologies**)

Personal Hard Candy:

Ese Dinky (Raul Garcia) Varrio de White Water

by SoCal ANONyMUS March 15, 2014

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First Person Shooter

The act of fellatio being performed on a male who is playing a video game, including, but not limited to first person shooter games, including, but not limited to all versions of"Counter-Strike", "Call of Duty", and "Halo"

"Dude, I wish I could get my dick sucked while playing a video game"

"You've never gotten a first person shooter dude?!"

by Para.dox December 10, 2012

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meme person

Some one no matter how hard they try will never do anything considered new.

He has never thought up an original quote, he is such a meme person.

by Hellsprung June 23, 2017

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Trenton The Person

An idiot who's over-hyper an will bounce off the walls with mountain dew going down his throat while having spasm all at the same time, but when hes not hyper, he pretty nice.

Jeez, hes going crazy, he must be a Trenton The Person

by FrozyFlunks May 30, 2018

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