(Noun ) : meaning , Hoping you're leaving for good. Really done with you.
My family is all set with the people that are not in 100 percent... so see ya don't care much.
A phrase used when someone does something weird or unheard of
Man: look at all these New York license plates ( while traveling in New York)
Woman: See ya sir
It is where a being or entity proceeds to challenge some one for talking ill of them
A YO MY NIGGA “SEE MY SHITS” THEN FOE, on god you don’t want smoke with yo mark ass.
Can't see me was a theory explored by Albert Einsten on why John Cena can't be seen by the naked eye. Within the first week of investigations Einstein had a blood vessel burst near his heart, leading to his death.
A slang term originating in Denver used for Crystal meth
shit bro, im about to move this See-thru to 2nd and Federal, il come over after.
When a person is cheated on by their partner in another country. Riley referring to the type of parter (a cheat)
Have you heard about Jim? His girl went See ya Riley on his ass when she went to Australia. Poor guy.
It means "Goodnight"
British/Cornish Slang
jim. I'm going to bed mate
john. alright mate
jim. see you in cornwall
john. ahh goodnight