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the known universe

like mind complete, finite; like the forseeable future that can be arranged, unimaginable in scope.

there're rules to it that're funny in thinking about going back on, however should you think you've succesfully actually done this, they'll be visited upon thee one hundred fold.

heart warming icelander bjork is one who somehow more than immediately springs to mind as an exponent of rules described above.

poet warlord john locke nominally realised these rules, but he didn't even have a house.

one nature of the known universe (courtesy of bjork): it's all around you.

another (courtesy of john locke): lest thee forgettin, covet not an ass lest your head be your only house unless it rains, so how willst the ass to you glorify all your worth.

well, there one has it. these crazy known universes and there chief exponents, i dunno, eh?

by silencut March 2, 2009

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University of Portland

A private Catholic university that prides themselves on ethical behaviors and safety. Sadly, these values are only followed when it applies when asking for donations and recruiting students. The everyday workings of the University includes covering up misogynistic rants at the Wally Awards by students (witnessed by the University President who did nothing, hardly surprising), severely under paying employees, allowing bullying and abuse by high ranking employees, disproportionate workloads and believing all employees are easily replaced. Also, the University does their best to minimize publicity on sexual assaults, murders (2001 Murder in Mehling Hall) and crime in general. Keys to various buildings are naturally issued to employees when hired, but are rarely collected properly when the employee leaves the University. Meaning, that the campus is not nearly as secure as administration would like people to believe. In the 2001 murder of Katie Johnson, a master key had been stolen and used. The University failed to change the lock within a reasonable amount of time and the master key was used to access the building where the murder occurred. Also, there is no establish plan of action in the case of an on campus shooter. No plan for safety of students or employees.

The University of Portland loves to pontificate to the public about ethics and safety, but failed to follow their own teachings in regards to the 2018 Wally Awards or the 2001 murder of Katie Johnson.

by Better_Off_W/O_UP March 2, 2019

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anderson university

A college in South Carolina. The only way to tell people where this god forbidden place is located is β€œit’s 30 minutes from Clemson”. The rules are fucking ridiculous, the students are all home-schooled goody two-shoes that won’t waste a second snitching on you, the staff clearly hates their jobs, and there aren’t any frats or sororities so if you don’t make friends then you’re fucked

Yo dude, I heard that Sharon goes to Anderson University. What a lame-o.

by JoeByron69420 November 28, 2021

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University of Johannesburg

University of Johannesburg is a public university located in Johannesburg, South Africa. This university is populated by crack addicts and girls masquerading as students meanwhile they're ghetto prostitutes because most of the graduates if it weren't for blow job's they'd be unemployed.

Person A: I Got Admitted at University of Johannesburg today...yaaay
Person B: "Congratulations you're a prostitute: (If Person A is female)
(Congratulations you're a nyaope boy).

by Thedarklol July 26, 2022

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University of Porcelain

An informal institution of higher learning - the lavatory - where the student reads volumes of educational, usually high brow, materials while taking a dump, or just enjoying the privacy.

While I earned my degree several years ago, I often take continuing education courses at the University of Porcelain.

by Bard O' the Bidet January 26, 2010

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Masters of the Universe!

Just another SKA band....need i say more.

Jeff : wow where are all those emo and weird people going.
theBully : o they are just going to see Masters of the Universe!.

by jeff the bully November 3, 2007

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YMH University

your Moms house university

I’m committed to YMH University

by AshMainWithNoKills November 29, 2021

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