The physical and psychological changes that occur in a person that indicates death is coming.
Brittany: Brian's hands feel very cold; and he seems to be very weak. He also seems to be very sleepy.
Henry: Brian is on the verge of succumbing to his illness. He is experiencing Death fall.
The feeling of arousal, or an urge to procreate, that you might get when you are so sick you think you might die.
I was lying in bed with man flu and was overwhelmed by the death horn.
A virtual death is a death of somones virtual idendetiy either by them losing their reputation online or by deleting all of their traces on the internet
John experienced a virtual death after a group of assholes spread false rumors about him
Bobby faked his virtual death because he wanted to start a new online life
synonym of death is death and boredom
It’s basically just death but with holly involved
I want to die like hollys death
Baba death is a blue like thing that just that and deathly smells like those blue Takis and also has a big nose
Yo is that baba death I can see his big nose from here
To party so hard you die, typically used when forced by others to party.
I can't go to college out of state for fear of being party deathed by a frat.